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Fast IT Support

Communication is key to good support

We know the most important thing is we acknowledge receiving your distress call and you knowing when we can fix it. A two minute conversation can settle that.

At Prometheum Technologies we are committed to providing responsive IT support. This start with communications. Once we receive notice there is an issue, we pride ourselves in responding within 15 minutes to at least acknowledge the situation and provide guidance on when someone can work on the issue.

Overall our support process is simple – just call or email your designated IT consultant directly. No need to go through a complex phone menu or ticketing system. That person should answer the phone or call back. It is that simple.

Once the support call has been made our technicians have methods where we can remotely control and observe the issues together with you. Many of the issue can be resolved remotely, which is a cost effective method. If for some reason it doesn’t make sense to support remotely (like when a computer doesn’t even boot up), we’ll head on out to support you onsite. All our IT support staff are located in the Chicago area and will make that trip.

So feel free to contact us to get started!

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