Cloud Solutions
Cloud Solutions have now become a great complementary option to your network solutions. Already many vital applications such as financial application, ERP application and CRM application are already hosted online. The main advantage to this is reliability, ease of use and a piece of mind.
Now full functional email applications are also hosted online that give all the benefits a traditional server based Exchange Server provided. These applications are Office 365 Hosted Exchange and Google Apps. If you are currently using a traditional Exchange Server or you have a simple POP3 email setup you can migrate over to one of these hosted email system and take advantage of full featured, economical systems. Getting on the cloud is easy with a little help and in the long run a smart move.
Office 365 Hosted Exchange Benefits
- Ability view all your emails from multiple computers, tablets and phone
- Calendars will synchronize for all devices
- No worries on backing up your emails – they are already on the most reliable hosted system
- Very reliable system with high SLA time
- Ability to use Outlook as you have always done
- Ability to share calendars and contacts
- No bottleneck on your internal system
- Will function inside and outside your office the same way
If are looking to improve your backup solution with a cloud base system we can help with that. There are many off site backup solutions some that work completely in the cloud others that use an appliance and the cloud to form a complete backup.
Move your server to the cloud?
Other Cloud Services
- Hosted Applications Servers at Rackspace or AWS (Amazon Web Services)
- Cloud Based Desktop Services
- Google Apps file sharing
- Egnyte File Sharing
- NAS Syncing Cloud Solutions
- Backup Solutions